Rowing Strokecoach & Multicoach

by Falke Design



Rowing Strokecoach:n- Stopwatch (incl. strokerate)n- Strokewatchn- Multicoach

Rowing Stroke coach:- Stop watch (incl. strokerate)- Stroke watch- MulticoachStopwatch in standard design with additional function of measuring the stroke rate.(optional based on the time for 1,2 or 3 strokes)Strokewatch: Measures the stroke rate (strokes per minute) by measuring the acceleration of the device / boat.Multicoach: Follow and analyze a complete race up to nine boats, even if the boats race over different distances (useful if you have boats of various age groups with different race distances > individually choose from 500, 1000, 1500 to 2000 meters for each boat).With the split function you can take the split times for each boat. The complete race will be saved in a database for analysis a later time.Load and save templates that ou have created.- Database: Share the results with your friends.If you like the app, please rate it :)New design of the buttonsIn the tutorials, the images have now the right size on all devices (BUG)Multicoach:* When stopping and starting from multiple boats the same time is used now (BUG)* Templates can now be created and loadedDatenbank:* Results can now be shared* The entire database can now be exported and imported* In the database overview, several elements can be selected (long press) and then deleted or shared* In a race, a podium is now displayed